Small Groups
Small Groups “Come plug into a small group” Small groups are the backbone of a healthy church. They are a great place to do more than study the Bible. At Armada UMC, we offer many opportunities to meet for growth in relationships with others as well as with God. There is a time for scriptures, sharing ideas, forming new friendships, learning how to pray for others as well as our church, and reaching out to those in our community.
We have many groups to offer: intergenerational studies, youth, parenting, bible study, discussing the weekly sermon, musical, exercising, discussing current events using scripture, praying, eating breakfast, and just plain informal faith talk. Groups meet in many different places: in church, in a restaurant and in various homes. We provide groups that meet weekly and others meeting once a month. All of the groups laugh and have fun and just enjoy learning about their faith!
Check out our current list and see which group fits your needs!
* Clarke's -Meet once a month at Suzanne's home-Oct. 21, Nov. 11 at 5:30-7pm.
* Friday mornings at 10:00am at the church. Will be studying the Book of Mark
* Adult Sunday School following worship.
* Korner Conversations, Tuesdays 8-9:30pm at Kozy Korner (See below)
* Parenting Small Group meets following worship.
"Loving our children with God's Love."
* Youth Group-KROP meets following worship. Junior High with Mrs. Brice and High School with Mr. Farver. Watch for fun outings led by Mrs. Gooch. * Sunday School for kids up to 5th grade during worship.
* Prayer team meets every Thursday 10:45-11:00am at the church.
* Fitness meets at the church 9:30am, Tuesday with a trainer for $6.00 and Thursdays without trainer-no charge.
* Men's Breakfast, Second Saturday at Papa's at 9:-00am
* Choir meets Wednesdays at 7:00pmin October
For more information on any of the above groups, contact the church office at 586-784-5201
We have a strong music program at the Armada United Methodist church, and there are opportunities to get involved.
Our volunteer choir, which consists mostly of adults, but welcomes young people of any age to participate, practices on various evenings at 7:00 and Sunday mornings at 9:00. There is no audition and you do not need to read music to fully participate. All you need is a love for singing! (Many of our choir members, including director Marj Rienas, are also in the Community Choir and therefore practice times sometimes are adjusted to allow for double practices. These changes will be posted in the newsletter and on the church calendar.)
We encourage anyone who plays an instrument to share their talents by playing a solo, duet or ensemble during prelude or offertory. Songs do not have to be “Church Songs”.
We have a two-octave set of handbells that we love to use, especially for holidays, and we are looking for a director for the bell choir.
We use Clavinova, piano and organ, and occasionally guitar and banjo during Sunday worship and invite other musicians to participate in accompanying or leading the hymn singing.
We have a hymn sing-along with the residents at The Advantage Care facility on the 4th Monday of the month 9:15-11:15 a.m.
The volunteer Community Choir, which is closely linked with our church, sings at:
September 11th Memorial
Harvest Fest in November
Christmas Concert in December